About Us

Manila's most reviewed and trusted name in the industry for Filipina escorts with focus on honest and integrity.

Manila’s most trusted name in the industry for Filipina escorts. Our values stands for quality in beauty, personality, and service. Our reputation is built on honesty, respect, and integrity. Here there are no fakes, no drama, and no problems.

The women on our site are all independent Metro Manila escorts, and not employees of this website. However, we are very selective in which Manila Escorts we are willing to list on our site. This is the one place you can go where all of the photos and videos are real.

Our listed Manila Escorts all provide outcall, some may provide incall, and any products available for use are scent free. Donations are either cash (Pesos/USD/Euro/SGD/HKD) or credit card (Mastercard/Visa/Amex).

We take pride in our profession and specialize in connecting people together for a mutually satisfying and exciting experience.

Rates for Manila Escorts are all inclusive and the booking process is easy via text message. Make an appointment today with the Escort of your choice!

Read our Frequently Asked Questions.

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Manila Escorts is not an agency and payments are strictly between the client and escort. No percent of payments go to Manila Escorts. All money exchanged is for legal adult services: time and companionship, or entertainment only. Anything implied or inferred on this web site is not to be taken as inducement for sexual activities or services. Any activities that take place are between consenting adults.