Manila's most reviewed and trusted name in the industry for Filipina escorts with focus on honest and integrity.

Yes. All Escort photos are un-edited. Some of the models have professional pictures taken along with selfies.

Absolutely. Make an appointment with the Escort you want to meet, and the same girl who posed for the photos will be there to greet you. Guaranteed.

Yes. The models are not under any sort of contract. We only refer to independent Escorts of legal age and do not direct, instruct, or have any sort of control what-so-ever over the models.

No. Manila Escorts is a convenience service for Escorts, not an employer of Escorts. Our services are limited to client screening and scheduling which promotes a safe working environment. Payments are strictly between the client and escort and no percent of payments go to Manila Escorts. Agencies generally have contracts or limitations on the models ability to advertise herself, working hours and price. We do none of these things, as the models are all independent and work for themselves.

Some Escorts do provide private accommodations to host, however these are provided by our website.

We are very selective in the models we list. Information provided is given by them and everything is always GFE and up the ladies discretion. A friendly and respectful personality, and good hygiene are the keys to a rewarding experience.

The Escorts set their own prices and services. There is no formula.

The prices that the Escorts have listed are clearly presented on their profile. There are no hidden fees.

No, we don’t do lineups. The photos and videos are real, so please choose first. We are honest with you so please do not waste our time. If you are thinking about rejecting multiple girls and are looking to go on a hunt in person for the perfect lady, you will be banned. We do not operate that way, so if this is your style we are not for you.

Escorts set their own schedule, which may change with short notice. Please contact us for availability.

You must be at least 21 years of age. If your appearance looks even remotely young, be prepared to produce ID to the model at her request in-person.

Most ladies will gladly cater to older gentlemen. Please ask about the model you want to see and we will check with her to make sure that it will be a comfortable encounter for both parties.

Of course. These Escorts all enjoy the companionship of Western men, and women. All of them speak fluent English as well.

Yes, escorts will accept USD/EURO/SGD/HKD currency based on current exchange rates.

Yes, we usually have several escorts that are bisexual and enjoy meeting female clients. Please see the model’s profile for sexual-orientation and fees.

Your privacy is important to us. We will not store your records and do any future solicitations after your date.

Make an appointment now!

Manila Escorts is not an agency and payments are strictly between the client and escort. No percent of payments go to Manila Escorts. All money exchanged is for legal adult services: time and companionship, or entertainment only. Anything implied or inferred on this web site is not to be taken as inducement for sexual activities or services. Any activities that take place are between consenting adults.